by admin | Aug 14, 2017 | Post
PHOENIX — Jonathan Meldrum, a former offensive lineman at Syracuse, struggled through his sophomore year in college. “I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t want to get out of bed and I felt physically ill every single day.” After battling depression in high school, he...
by admin | Aug 7, 2017 | Post
China McCarney was 22 when he was first diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. And in the eight years since, he’s worked tirelessly to erase the stigma surrounding mental illness and to connect people to the resources they need to fight it. He...
by admin | Jun 8, 2017 | Post
by China McCarney, Founder – Athletes Against Anxiety and Depression Anxiety and panic attacks can be overwhelming, debilitating and tough to overcome. At times, it can feel downright impossible to pull yourself out of a moment of extreme panic. I know for me...
by admin | Jun 2, 2017 | Post, User Submitted
I have battled more at the age of 25 than most humans do in a lifetime. Take a moment to think of the most dreadfully painful experience you have had – I can empathize with you. In my life, I have overcome two near death experiences. One at the age of 11 which left me...
by admin | Jun 2, 2017 | Post, User Submitted
Sitting down to write my story brought on a crazy mix of emotions. I was nervous, anxious; I didn’t know what would come out. But, why the fear and anxiety? Why is everyone so afraid of what others think of them? Why is judgment and perception the driving force behind...
by admin | May 9, 2017 | Post
“Give yourself permission to accept help and to seek resources that can help you.” When I last sat down to reflect on my journey with anxiety I was nervous, timid, and YES even a little ANXIOUS. I wanted to share my story with the “right” spin or the...